Ham holder

Spanish gastronomy is one of the most famous worldwide. There are many tourists who choose our country as a destination, to taste the delicacies we offer. Although in each autonomous community there are different typical dishes equally good, that if the Valencian paella, the Asturian fabada, Andalusian gazpacho .... Difficult to choose, isn't it? But if there is one thing we are sure of, it is that we have a product that is equally good in each and every one of the autonomous communities of our country, and this is nothing more and nothing less than Iberian ham. To taste the ham perfectly, it is very important the way it is cut, and to cut it well, you need a good support.
What must a good ham holder have?
The first and most important thing is that it must have a totally stable structure. It is important that it has rubber blocks at the base, to prevent it from slipping when slicing.
It has to be practical in order to be able to cut as comfortably as possible.
Easy to transport and store. Although most people tend to always have it in the kitchen, as it is an accessory that takes up a lot of space, if it can be stored when you don't have ham, all the better.
Good quality material.
And our Don Hierro ham holder meets all the requirements. It is made of polished stainless steel. It has a unique tightening system, leaving the ham perfectly tied. It has non-slip studs on the base. It has slots to place the knife and the sharpener. It can be cleaned in the dishwasher to remove all the grease. It can be folded, and when folded it takes up almost nothing.