4 days of great offers

🔥 Up to an additional 20% discount that will be automatically applied to your shopping cart. 🔥

Discover all the deals in our online shop until November 28th inclusive, Cyber Monday, a shopping discount day on the Internet.

✨ You have 4 days to save on a wide selection of items. ✨

Come and enjoy these exclusive discounts! You’ll find the best deals on Household items, Barbecues and Grills, and Kitchen Accessories.

In addition to the Black Friday discounts at Don Hierro, just by making a purchase of any item in our online shop you will directly participate in the draw for a BAUHAUS foldable trolley with decorated trays.

Don’t miss the opportunity! You have until 11 December to participate.

🎁 The winner will be announced on 12 December.🎁




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